“If orgasm is the little death, is masturbation the little suicide”?

The French have long called orgasm “la petit mort”, the little death, and could this be the reason why it is so difficult to reach climax? Especially in women?

Anyone who has experienced it knows very well that the loss of control over what is happening to our body is real, consciousness, cognition and motor skills disappear. The body spasms, the eyes roll, the skin flushes, the mouth dries up. Our mind? In blank! All without us having the slightest control over what happens.

Here at Infernum we believe it is the rawest feeling a human can have.

The orgasm will then be a death of everything that is conscious and palpable in us, at that moment we are an uncontrolled body, we surrender to our essence. And for this, so that this ascension to the highest of heavens is possible, one cannot be afraid of dying.

This metaphorical death that only lasts a few seconds is worth exploring, worth getting to. It's worth trying or “dying trying”, because, my little demons, you deserve this peak of sensations, this freeing and letting go of consciousness, even if for a few fractions of a second. After that death, we return to life lighter, and I guarantee that you will want to die again, for sure.

Little demons, the champion in making you reach orgasm is the satisfyer pro 2 🤭 best seller everywhere, it guarantees that you will go from ahhhhhhh to heaven in less than the blink of an eye 😌

Little demons, among all the masturbators and yellow shirts for male orgasm, the Jamyjob Turbo Double Masturbator is at the forefront 😏
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